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Next-gen CDN for

Ensure smooth and enjoyable online shopping with Computer.Com 
CDN for e-commerce

Key benefits

Speed up your online store

Your website will load quickly, even if it contains a lot of hi-res product images and heavy videos.

Don't worry about website availability

Our edge network makes your website resilient against DDoS attacks and unforeseen traffic spikes during sales.

Become a safe space for your customer

With built-in SSL/TLS encryption and various web security mechanisms in place you can secure users' credentials and payment transactions.

Website acceleration as a service

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a system of globally distributed servers that cache the content of your website and speed up website loading time. By having a Computer.Com CDN as a part of your web architecture, you can significantly accelerate your website loading, improve its availability, and secure user credentials from unauthorized access.

Increase revenue by improving the user experience

While online consumers are becoming less tolerant of slow websites, even a 100ms improvement in page loading speed can significantly elevate the overall customer experience. This will have a positive impact on your business metrics and improve your SEO results.


Increased conversion rate

with each 100ms reduction in LCP


increased revenue per session

with a 100ms page load time improvement


decreased bounce rate

with a 20% reduction in page load time

Use cases

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For online stores and retailers

Use Computer.Com’s AI cloud infrastructure powered by Graphcore IPUs to accelerate machine learning.

For product and service online marketplaces

Deploy resource-intensive applications and services on high-performance physical servers.

For sites with classified ads

Leverage production-grade VMs designed for a wide range of workloads and predictable performance.

For online travel agencies (OTAs)

Provision, manage, and scale Kubernetes clusters with 99.9% SLA and support for bare metal nodes.

Manage your images with ease

Good product images are the cornerstone of today’s online shopping. Buyers can view hundreds of pictures before placing a product into the cart. You need to provide them with flawless quality and high resolution to display well in zoom mode. Computer.Com Image Stack is an easy-to-use image optimization function that works over the CDN service.

Prevent unauthorized access to user data

With SSL/TLS encryption, you will have the secure, risk-free transactions you need to ensure customer loyalty. A Web Application Firewall (WAF) prevents unauthorized access and removes vulnerabilities at the application layer. We care about the security of every customer. That’s why we invented Basic WAF, a built-in WAF service available on a FREE subscription plan with zero additional costs.

Reduce image size

WebP and AVIF compression can significantly reduce file size with a minimum drawdown in quality.

Remove pre-upload editing

Crop and Resize features allow you to deliver images in the correct size without editing them.

Make changes with ease

When you need to fit images to a new design, just add some query lines to the image URL.

Pay less by reducing traffic

Compressed images and cached copies of images at the edges will reduce the total amount of traffic passing through the CDN.

Instant playback for your product video

Computer.Com CDN is a well-suited and optimized solution for Video-on-Demand (VOD) and live streaming.


Using video on landing pages can increase conversion by 80%

Eye View Digital, 2019

Online shoppers who view videos are 1.81x more likely to purchase than non-viewers


Almost 50% of internet users look for videos related to a product or service before visiting a store


Stay available during traffic surges

Accidental traffic surge during online sales can overload your origin server and make your website unavailable for some users. Such incidents will create a bad user experience, lose revenue, and have long-term consequences for customer loyalty. Computer.Com CDN secures your web infrastructure with a 110+ Tbps network capacity coming from hundreds of globally distributed edge servers.

This was the case when the previously announced PS5 online sale caused a 30% burst in traffic for the online retailer. At the peak of that morning sale, we had 1.46 Gbps, when the normal traffic range during the day was about 0.9-1.1 Gbps.


Contact us to get an individual quote

Tell us about your business challenges, and we will help you to find the right solution for better growth.

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