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Managed Kubernetes

Easily deploy, manage and scale Kubernetes clusters with 99.9% SLA. Now with support for bare metal nodes!

Unique Advantages of Computer.Com Managed Kubernetes Service

Bare metal support​

Running containers directly on bare metal operating systems improves latency and performance as well as avoids interference from neighboring VMs.

No-fee SLA-backed cluster management

Production level cluster management with a 99.9% SLA guarantee at no extra cost, unlike competitors who either offer no SLA or charge $70+ per month for it.

Great value Computer.Com instance prices for worker nodes​

Offering exceptional value, our Gcore pricing ensures that worker nodes are available at the same competitive prices as our virtual instances and bare metal servers.

Other Advantages

One-click provisioning

Provision your worker nodes in 'one-click' using a single command in the Gcore self-service portal, API, or via Terraform.

GPU worker ​nodes support

Computer.Com Managed Kubernetes clusters support GPU worker nodes, allowing you to run GPU-intensive workloads like machine learning, video processing, and gaming.

Latest versions

Supporting latest Kubernetes versions 1.24, 1.25, 1.26, and 1.27.

Automated control

The service continuously monitors the health of your nodes, updating and restarting them automatically if necessary.

Automated scaling

Within your cluster, the number of nodes in your pool can dynamically scale up or down automatically.

High availability

Each cluster dashboard is duplicated to ensure that the cluster is always available.

Secure connections

All connections between the master node and the nodes within a cluster are automatically encrypted.

DDoS protection

Your projects are protected from DDoS attacks at the network and transport layers by default.

24/7 technical support

Quick real-time assistance and quality technical service around the clock.

Pricing: Cluster management at no additional cost


How it works

See how Computer.Com’s Managed Kubernetes Platform operates


Locations with Managed Kubernetes


Try our solution to build the optimal managed Kubernetes

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